No. You can apply to asbestos trusts to receive your share of the billions of dollars placed in trust to compensate people with asbestos-related injuries like mesothelioma.
All it takes is filing your claim with:
Medical diagnosis of your mesothelioma
Proof of how you were exposed (mostly work history, and that's where we come in).
Over 40 asbestos trusts pay money to mesothelioma victims.
You can apply to multiplpe trusts and receive checks from multiple sources based on your exposure.
You can do both. Trust claims are much faster and easier.
There is no lawsuit needed to file a mesothelioma claim with an asbestos trust:
On the other hand, lawsuits often receive much higher compensation.
Filing your mesothelioma claim with an asbestos trust is not suing a company.
The companies that created the asbestos bankruptcy trusts are now bankrupt, and the trust was created from their insurance money and other assets.
Lawsuits can take a long time to be completed. But when an experienced mesothelioma attorney presents a strong, well-prepared case, many asbestos companies want to avoid the lawsuit by paying a settlement.
Many embarrassing documents showed that the asbestos industry knowingly endangered workers and their families, and many people have received compensation for their injuries.
Shortening the process while maximizing your compensation.
Lawsuits can often take months to years, becasue of court schedules, and the time of preparing and presenting each side's evidence and arguments.
Our law firm was founded by Justinian C. Lane, Esq., who lost his own family members to asbestos-related cancer.
Under our twin banners, we fight for individuals with mesothelioma and other asbestos injuries.
At MesotheliomaClaims.Law and AsbestosClaims.Law you can learn more about mesothelioma and other health problems associated with asbestos, including lung cancer and asbestosis.
At MesotheliomaClaims.Law, we partner with a nationwide network of attorneys to ensure that your mesothelioma lawsuit is handled by a legal teeam with a specific experience in winning a case or securing a settlement with a mesothelioma client similar to you. Whether that's the jobs or sites you worked, or the asbestos products you worked with or around, you send a message when your lawyer has already proven your work or circumstances causes mesothelioma.
Can someone sue for mesothelioma from second-hand asbestos exposure?
Yes, and second-hand mesothelioma claims can also receive money from asbestos trusts, even if you never worked around asbestos.
Family members who contracted mesothelioma through contact from work clothes — washing them , or spending time in common areas, and family vehicles where they were worn — can recover compensation from most asbestos trusts.
Brought by someone hurt by mesothelioma against companies that failed to warn customers or employees about the dangers associated with asbestos.
A premises liability lawsuit is filed against a property owner for allowing the xposure of asbestos to an individual, whether they be a tenant or contractor, on their property.
A wrongful death lawsuit is filed by the deceased's family against an individual or company for negligent action or inaction leading to the death of their loved one.
Of course, the plaintiff and their attorney will have to prove that the cause of the death was mesothelioma resulting from high-risk asbestos exposure
No law firm is ethically permitted to promise a winning result in a case.
But we work to give our clients an honest and realistic expectation of what to expect from their mesothelioma claim.
Trials and lawsuits are not like they are portrayed on television. Receiving compensation you deserve can be a relief. But, sometimes litiation can be slow or furstrating. We explain the good, the bad, and the ugly about our civil justice system. We won't just give you doom and gloom, or sunny skies, instead, you will always receive our informed and experience professional opinion.
Mesothelioma trust claims generally range from $10,000 to $100,000, depending on the severity of the case.
However, a person with mesothelioma can file for compensation from multiple trusts 9there are over 40), and in many cases receive checks from multiple companies.
Shortening the process while maximizing your compensation.
Compensation for a mesothelioma claim is based on three types of damages:
Economic damages.
Economic damages are fixed, monetary amounuts, including loss of wages and medical bills. This form of damages is fairly straightforward and doesn't require a difficult litigation process. For instance, if a person paid $10,000 in medical bills, the compensation would be $10,000.
Non-economic damages.
Non-economic damages are not as straightforward and require a payout determination from either a judge or a jury. They include damages from pain and suffering or emotional loss and pain of a loved one. Non-economic damages are harder to quantify and even more difficult to prove, which may delay the litigation process.
Punitive damages.
Punitive damages are sought purely as punishment for the party responsible for a mesothelioma diagnosis.
Most asbestos companies have paid a significant sum in punitive damages due to the fact that they lied about the risks of asbestos to one's health, and many of these companies have already deposited money into asbestos trusts to simplify the payout process.
Yes, in most cases, if a mesothelioma claimant passes away before their claim is resolved, their family may still be eligible to receive compensation.
The specific details and eligibility criteria can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the curcumstances surrounding the claim. However, it is important to note that the process may differ depending on whether the claim was filed as a personal injury claim or as a wrongful death claim.
We can set up a completely free consultation with no obligation. In person if you like, or by phone or video conferencing.
Our law firm was founded by Justinian C. Lane, Esq., who lost his own family members to asbestos-related cancer.
Under our twin banners, we fight for individuals with mesothelioma and other asbestos injuries.